Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yurts. Fun to say, fun to stay

We don't plan on van dwelling on our entire trip, no siree. I'm sure as comfy cozy our van is going to be, there will be times we will want things like an actual bed, running water, and solid ground.

One place that we are planning to stay in is El Cosmico in Marfa, Texas - which is on the way to New Mexico from Austin.

They have refurbished vintage trailers you can stay in, as well as yurts:

and teepees:
Of course, both these things in reality are giant tents, which I am a-ok with. Can't wait to get out there in that beautiful Texas desert

As an added bonus! They have Dutchtubs to rent. Dutchtubs are awesome portable hot tubs which are heated by burning wood in a metal pipe coil.

Look how happy that Dutch lady is!

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