Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We rolled into New Orleans late one cranky night, and when we woke up, we almost forgot where we were.

Since I was obsessed with Vietnamese coffee a while ago, I knew we had to go to Cafe du Monde for some cafe au laits and beignets. It was insane hot and humid out, since we have had the privilege of being in a continuous heat wave ever since we left New Hampshire.

We opted for frozen cafe au laits and it was AMAZING. The pieces of fried dough smothered in powdered sugar weren't too bad either...

We ate a lot here, and all of it was delicious. Some of it was not photographed. None of it was thrown away.

We went to Acme Oyster house and had what we assumed to be the last of the Gulf Oysters, some sort of Creole version of poutine, and a delicious oyster and shrimp po boy. This picture does it no justice. Of course, the food was washed down with some Abita.

We also went to the aquarium, because it was too hot to be wandering about and we didn't want to hang out in the hotel room. We saw lots of fishies and jellies and cute otters! We also got to feed the sting rays! It was amazing.

The best sign we saw. Why is the eel a perv?

The worst sign we saw was one telling us that the Gulf of Mexico exhibit was sponsored by BP. Yikes.

We adopted a new friend from an artist in Jackson Square - Oyster Cat!

Since we were in the Big Easy (is that something people call New Orleans?) we decided to get OUTTA CONTROL!!!!! Okay, not really, although we had a a delicious Pimms Cup and Sazerac at the Napolean House.

As it got dark, and we wandered Bourbon Street, we went into a bar and ordered the silliest drink they had. I wandered out one hand grenade richer and eight dollars poorer.

I'm probably frowning because I got hit with a strand of beads blasted from a balcony.

Okay, so you got us, we didn't get buckwild down in NOLA, but guess what we found when we got back to the hotel room??



  1. ohhhh I want a beignet so bad right now!!!!

  2. Freddie, that crazy lil monster!!!

  3. do you remember the name of the guy that sold the cart paintings? I bought one years ago and want to buy one for my parents. Cant find him anywhere online. thanks!
