Friday, July 9, 2010

The Chinati Foundation

The Chinati Foundation is on the grounds of an old fort and was founded by Donald Judd in the 70s to permanently display large installations by his art pals and himself. It's really amazing to see these pieces in this kind of scenery and scale. The tour is in two parts from 10 - 12 and 2 - 4

The buildings remain untouched except for a few changes like cool corrugated roofs and these great quartered doors.

Donald Judd's 100 Untitled Works in Milled Aluminum

Some Judd furniture

James Chamberlain

Carl Andre's poem

A few John Wesleys

This strangely mesmerizing giant copper sculpture called Things That Happen Again: For a This and a That, by Roni Horn.

Our favorite installation were the Dan Flavins. I've only ever seen small Flavins, but these were in three separate buildings with two sides to each building.

Ah, the classic set the self timer and run as far as you can trick.

You can see some of Judd's works in concrete and cottonwoods he planted in the background

We decided we couldn't leave Marfa without acknowledging Donald Judd and how he influenced the town's growth, so we stopped by the local bookstore and picked this up

Now, when we are at a loss, we ask ourselves, what WOULD Donald Judd do? We usually can't come up with an answer.

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