Monday, April 26, 2010


Well kids, good news, I finished my quilt and delivered it to the machine quilter Sunday morning. And boy, are you going to be surprised when I show you what it looks like all finished. And YES, Mr M William Panek, it was super fun when I turned 55 and starting thinking of quilting puns :) I've decided to embrace oldie sour status.

But enough of that chit chat, here's what I wanted to show you: camping swag.

We all know that buying stuff is fun (yea capitalism!) but what you may not know is how fun it is to buy stuff in a whole new weird genre. All of a sudden, there is stuff that you NEED that you've never seen or heard about before.

Tim's been scouring the internet for deals and we visited our FAVORITE store Kittery Trading Post for the rest of the gear.

So starting with the soap and going clockwise....

1. Dr Bronner's Magic Soap in Peppermint. If you don't know about Dr Bronner's, it's basically THE most politically correct (is this the right phrase??) soap in existence. Straight from the website: completely biodegradable and vegetable-based, certified fair trade, organic, no syntethic foaming agents, thickeners, or preservatives, 18 -in-1 uses!!! Plus, if we get bored, we can read the label.

2. GSI cooking kit. This thing is amazing.

That tiny tiny expands into a pot, a pan, removable handle, dishwashing cloth bucket, lid, two mugs with lids and fits all our plastic flatware and telescoping spatula. This is way better than opening the cabinet and having a tangle of pots fall on your head.

3. Collapsable water jug. You'll have to ask Tim about this, he's super into it. "The spigot is on the top!" he says.

4. Shower in a bag. This is pretty much a sack that you fill with water, let warm in the sun, and then stand under, pull a string, and get warmed up water dumped all over you. So. Just like a shower. Tim assures me we won't be using much of this, just for "when we're in Yellowstone next to the bears!"

BUT HERE! IS MY FAVORITE! (and most unneccessary)

CAMPING CHOPSTICKS! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Because everyone knows that normal chopsticks are FAR too unwieldy to pack in their normal form.


  1. Well, my soap is made from the blood of shelter kitties, and it's tested on Haitian orphans. Sold only at Wal-Mart.

    Double-use bonus: it tastes great on top of a Big Mac! I'm lovin' it.

  2. Aw man, Dr Bronner can go suck an egg, i want walmart soap on my burger!
